Monday, June 30, 2008



is hardly a matter of fact;
is it a question
or an answer
to the new sun in your eyes
as you lay in scrunched crabgrass
and scattered small rocks
tearing the skin of your back
as she whispers again,
'pair of balls’ or ‘parable.’
You can’t tell which and either way
you would miss the point.

Morning Blue Jays sing and Red-belled
Woodpeckers beat song:
when things might be different
love makes them the same:
clouds, cobblestones, curators of dreams;
when things might be reasoned
love makes them absurd:
mountains, moments, measures of desire;
when things might be lost
love rescues the ends:
pulp, pleasure, painstaking belonging;
when things might be deemed
love at long last:
breathe, breathe, breathe.

The solitude of the clear sky,
the moment
regards your existence
like a trace of ginger, typhoid,
alchemy: we are
what we are
and are not, a question,
an answer.


Cáh Morandi said...
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Cáh Morandi said...

"and are not, a question,
an answer."

Eu gosto dos detalhes que você coloca nos poemas, eles balançam quem lê.
Esse poema tem uma verdade e uma esperança que ultrapassam as entrelinhas.

É, Andrew, eu leio, e a vida me fez desacreditar no amor. Ele não existe mais...

A gente só procura por "alguém total"

Beijos, small

Clara said...

I liked ... we are what we are and aren't ... a contradiction ... yes we are

Nina Jan said...

I love the way you used alliteration.. and thank you for the comment, I didn't think anyone would even read my blog, especially not the first post.