Friday, November 16, 2007


First Kiss

1. It is the distance to

It is the total distance
between you and her lips
that moves you now,
an abyss of doubt
and fear and the desire
that it will bottom out,
and the hope
she will move
toward your magnetic core,
as if aliens do exist
and will enter
your atmosphere
to be explored,
accepted, touched.

  1. It is important

You move without
moving with this importance:
as if veins of coal
were suddenly rivers
of diamonds, as if puppets
were suddenly children,
as if her eyes
were suddenly near.
And the weight
and extent of your feelings
validate the attempt
and the salvation
of your lips.


Cáh Morandi said...

Eu queria ser tão perfeita como seus poemas...

(mas nunca conseguiria!)

(psiu, mais do que chocolate!)


Anonymous said...

Muito, lindo, muito lindo!
Que Deus abençoe "vcs".